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Water and Ice
Dancing on Ice
Art on Ice
Abstraction in Ice
Snowy Island in Cold Spring Harbor
Waiting in Winter

Joan Weiss

In my photography, I strive to go beyond a subject’s appearance to uncover a deeper, more elusive truth. That truth is revealed to me more vividly through the camera lens than through the naked eye. What I see in the camera lens joins with the impressions stamped in my mind’s eye, informing the images I create.

I have been very gratified that my photographs are regularly exhibited in solo shows, group shows, and juried exhibits at galleries throughout Long Island and in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens Art professionals and appreciators have applied the terms “edgy,”  “surreal” and “impressionistic” to my photographs. An art writer noted that my images really reside in the mind, capturing layers of meaning hidden in plain sight.

Everyone has his or her own vision of the world. My photographs express mine. I am happy to share my vision with viewers who stop, look, and think, perhaps wondering what the image is saying about life, and what it might mean to their own life.

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